What is Speech Therapy?

Speech and language therapists work closely with infants, children and adults who have various levels of speech, language,communication problems and swallowing difficulties. They also specialize with clients who have cognitive-linguistic deficts which is focusing on memory, attention, sequencing, word finding, problem solving, organization, time management, financial management to enhance independence with ADLs and IADLs.These specialists assess the clients' needs before developing individual treatment programs to enable each client to improve as much as possible. Treatment plans often involve those with whom the client has a close relationship, for example family, caregivers or teachers.

Our speech therapists are Vital Stim certified, as well as Deep Pharyngeal Neural Stimulation and the Facial muscle Exercise Program and the Lee Silverman Voice Treatment program.

The speech therapists will work closely with your physician to determine what therapy is best for the individual person. This is based on many factors including the person's:

  • illness
  • disability 
  • motivation 
  • home situation and extent of the speech impairment

A speech therapist is usually consulted for clinical conditions such as:

  • birth defect problems like cleft palate or cleft lip
  • stuttering or other problems with speech, such as problems with forming words or sentences
  • delayed speech in childhood 
  • abnormal childhood languages 
  • speech loss or difficulty swallowing resulting from trauma or stroke or 
  • after cancer surgery involving the mouth or throat when there is difficulty speaking due to the effects of the surgery
  • dysphagia associated with reduced saliva production and oral sensation and taste
  • s/p CA treatments or surgery.
  • Also treatment for voice and respiratory support for speech associated with PD, MS, ALS, and other progressive diseases.
  • Alzheimer's and Dementia, targeting a maintenance plan for functional communication and indepence with ADLs specifically targeting patient's current cognitive-linguistic skills and caregiver training.

speech therapy

Speech Therapy includes:

  • training and repetitive exercises and
  • use of devices that can make it easier for some people to speak

Speech therapists also work closely with the family members, who will help care for the person upon discharge from the hospital or treatment center.

Speak with your healthcare provider if you think you or a loved one might benefit from speech therapy.


Contact us if you feel you may have questions about Speech Therapy - call 419-566-6451.

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